Win the prize of best lover and earn yourself the most sincere applause for sexual achievements with the help of the Boners Slings penis ring.
In addition to a different and quite exciting look, with it you will get another series of privileges that will turn you into a wild and tireless sexual beast that no one will have the strength to refuse.
Placed both on the penis and between the testicles, Boners Slings will tighten them in their gentle silicone "grip" to ensure you an extremely powerful, strong and long-lasting erection.
This, in turn, will lead to two consequences: firstly, a much longer sexual act - something that will be accepted with infinite enthusiasm and joy by the partner, and secondly, a much more intense and shaking orgasm - something that you enjoy with your whole being.
Made of high-quality liquid silicone, the ring is incomparably pleasant to feel and touch. Stretchy, it will fit perfectly on any size penis without being painfully tight or uncomfortable.
The material is non-porous, hypoallergenic, and without unpleasant odours. It does not contain phthalates or latex and is completely safe for your health.
For easier insertion, use a sufficient amount of water-based lubricant.
Clean it thoroughly before and after use.

Boners Male Sex Toys Boners Slings Luxury Liquid Silicone Triple Cock Ring