Anal PJUR PJUR BACKDOOR Anal Silicone Personal Lubricant 34oz

Anal PJUR PJUR BACKDOOR Anal Silicone Personal Lubricant 34oz


Specially formulated to add tons of sexy friction-free slipperiness to butt play and beyond, Pjur's Back Door moisturizes, intensely lubricates and relaxes soon-to-be penetrated areas.


Containing naturally relaxing jojoba, Back Door can help ease anal anxiety with zero numbing or desensitizing effects.

Like all Pjur formulas, Back Door conforms to sky-high standards of safety and purity, it contains no fats, fragrances, parabens, preservatives or water.  Back Door won't irritate sensitive skin, and is compatible with condoms and other latex gear. Silicone toys and tools are the only exception - please don't use Back Door with these. Made in Germany.